The link is to a blog, A Mormal Family Journal, to which members of my family contribute as a companion to our missionary blog, Steadfast Faith in Christ: a Missionary Journal. The most recent post is one written by my nephew to his brother who is currently serving a mission in the north-central United States. I am truly blessed in the strength and testimonies of so many generations of my family, and am grateful for the format which enables me to share them with so many.
". . . Dinner was great, and then family home evening began. For our friend (J-- K-- is her name), it was the first time she had ever experienced an in-home church service (aka Family Home Evening), and she shared with Julia and I that it was like being in "heaven on earth". During the story I shared with the children of my missing wallet, J-- listened transfixed and amazed--and I remembered that of all of the gospel principles that attracted her to Christianity, personal revelation topped her charts, and this story was evidence of the reality of personal revelation! As I bore my testimony that God loves us, and that he is very aware of our personal situations, and that he will help us in the time of our need if we ask him too, I received the knowledge that the timing of my wallet's disappearance & recovery was tied directly to J--'s needs. As a result, I felt both humbled and excited to be a tool in the Lord's hand to bring evidence of his existence to light. (more)"