If you don't know our own dear Lucy Stern very well, her blog is a great place to start. Lucy never wearies in well-doing, and extends her exertions onto the Internet . Her recipe for blog success:
- Mix together equal parts:
- Homemaking skills
- Emergency preparedness
- Food storage
- Frugal living
- Season with:
- A dash of politics
- A pinch of homily
- A healthy dollop of hard-won wisdom
- Mix well, then top with
- A generous layer of wide-ranging recipes.
- Enjoy!
URl: http://lucysfrugalliving.blogspot.com
Author: Lucy Stern
Emphasis: homemaking skills, emergency preparedness, food storage & frugal living
Rating: 5/5
Comment: With a two o'clock Sunday meeting time, her crockpot collection is a must!