Friday, July 25, 2008

Blog of the Week: Prepare Today Newsletter

Another Perspective:

This is a collection of information to assist others in their preparedness efforts and to help them be ready for the challenges which are coming.
The Prepare Today Newsletter is a blog authored by a ward preparedness specialist from California. It provides a slightly different view of emergency preparedness, particularly since Californians face an entirely different set of hazards from their environment. They have fires and earthquakes, we have hurricanes and ice storms, etc. Added to the other resources available to us, this blog adds its bit of harmony to the same tune we know so well.

Here is a snippet of one article, a bit of commentary entitled "Musings of a Ward Preparedness Chairman":

Why is it so many saints are unenthusiastic about getting their food storage and emergency supplies?

For some it's a matter of money – both too little money and, curiously enough, too much money. The challenge for those with limited funds is more understandable than those who have what can only be termed "abundance". We live in an area with large numbers of prosperous members who don't have their food storage – why?

This is something I've wondered about a lot and recently gained additional insight from reading the observations of an online forum moderator named NeatBrian.
Read the complete article.

Things to know:

Author: A Californian ward preparedness specialist; otherwise anonymous
Emphasis: Emergency Preparedness
Rating: 4/5

Link of the Week: Home Storage Online

LDS Home Storage Helps Online
  • If you need a simple and easy way to get started or augment your home storage, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints makes it quite convenient. The prices are extremely competitive but higher than they are at the individual Home Storage Centers where customers assist in the packaging process. Via online catalog the following products are offered:
    • #10 cans of:
      • hard red winter wheat
      • pinto beans
      • white rice
      • quick oats
    • Home Storage Starter Kit, in addition to provident living pamphlets and teaching aids, containing:
      • 2 #10 cans of hard red winter wheat
      • 2 #10 cans of white rice
      • 1 #10 can of pinto beans
      • 1 #10 can of quick oat
  • A much wider range of products are available at the Home Storage Centers. To expedite your visit and assist in planning ahead, the Church has made available online an order form to be completed in advance, valid at HSC's in the United States and Canada. Its use is simple.
    • Access the form. You will require the software, Adobe Reader, available for download free of charge.
    • Fill in your pertinent personal information at the top of the form.
    • Select each product (rows), the quantity desired of each size available (columns of #10 cans, pouches and bulk). Of note, the HSC's often have difficulty keeping up with the sharply increase in demand in recent weeks. It's a good idea to call ahead or contact your ward preparedness specialist to determine the products immediately available.
    • The total cost of your purchase is recalculated as you move from field to field. However, the cost of any individual product is not calculated until you exit that field.
    • Save, Print, or Reset the form when you have completed your selections. Save individual configurations of purchases on multiple forms for future use.
    • Complete your purchase when you go to the HSC with the printed form in hand
Things to Know: Online purchase URL: Home Storage Center Order Form links: Sponsor: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Emphasis: Home Storage, Preparedness

Rating: 5/5