Saturday, February 07, 2009

Jesus the Christ: Reflections of Christ

A brand new feature:


There is so much great material out there, I am starting a new weekly feature called "Jesus the Christ" to testify of the divinity of our Savior, such as the video below. If you come across any material, whether text, links, paintings, photography, or multimedia from any source (e.g., if you read a particularly inspiring Ensign article or conference talk, or a bit of music or a program on, or if you have personal faith-building experiences to share, please forward it to me and I will get it posted on this blog.

Deseret Book has created a virtual environment where uplifting videos posted on YouTube can be viewed without any exposure to the less savory which one stumbles upon at times on that site. They have embedded the video below which is a photographic depiction of events in the life of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It was originally shown as a presentation in the Mesa Arizona Temple Visitor's Center, and was then moved to the Joseph Smith Building in Salt Lake City. It is currently on tour throughout the US. Although the link above is commercial and independent of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the video is powerful and a must-see.

More information of the tour, ticket prices, and purchase of the video and music visit, or