Friday, October 03, 2008

Weekly Update: Passing the Baton

It's been so long since I've done anything with this blog, one would think I've abandoned it, but I haven't. With the new RS presidency and my release from my calling as secretary, we've been trying to see where everything fits, and the transition process is still ongoing. I look forward to the time when others catch the vision of what I would like this blog to be: another means of enriching the lives of the sisters of the Olde Oak Ward, fostering communication and interaction, and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with any and all who may stumble upon it.

However, I am still the owner of the blog and I love the sisters of the Olde Oaks Ward, past and present. This has been my pet project from start, so although the only official content I post will be regarding my particular calling as dry pack specialist, I'm hoping to help keep it interesting enough for you to feel it worth your time.

Again, if you have any contributions to share or ideas on how we can make this site more pertinent to your lives, please let us know. Comment on the posts or email me or any of the Relief Society Presidency specifically. The more diversified our means of communicating, the more sisters we reach, the stronger the ties which bind us, and the greater opportunity for growth both personally and as a Relief Society are available to us.

But most of all, we preach of Christ, we testify of Christ, we rejoice in Christ and hope to share the good news that through Him salvation comes with all those who find their way here.

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