Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Re: [Olde Oaks RS] Family Home Storage Center FAQ

Sisters,   Just a few "tweeks" to Penny's list here:

1) You can come down and work with us on our designated day which is the first Tuesday of every month....  At this time because of peanut butter production at the cannery,  the dates are very tight.  I am trying to schedule a couple of other night time sessions so that we can get more done.   To go down during the day and work "off schedule", you will have to call the FHSC first and ask if the Moyers are there to work with you.  The phone number at the cannery is:  281-537-1785

2)  Rules have changed and you can no longer take down you own items to dry pack at the FHSC.  You can only dry pack what you buy from the Family Home Storage Center.  

3) You can go in any time, that someone is able to help you, and purchase "bulk" items from the FHSC.  Please call first, before going so that you don't make a trip for nothing...  When peanut butter is in production they will not sell you anything.   These bulk items come in 25lb. bags for the most part. 

4) You may also go down and purchase the Pre-packaged items without having to work a shift to get it.  These items, considered long term storage, come in a case of six cans and are:  red wheat, rice, quick oats and pinto beans.  You can also purchase, by the case, potato pearls and pancake mix, which are considered short term storage.  Any other items, that you purchase in bulk, will need to be "put up" at home in cans, pouches or in buckets....  Any items that the FHSC sells, can be canned on our cannery dates.  Please check the order form for current prices... Note: at this time we have plenty of stock on hand and all of the items are available for canning.  Powdered milk has gone down, for the moment, and would be a good addition to you storage.

5) The pouch party that Penny mentioned would be good for putting up items that you buy in bulk either from the FHSC or somewhere else.  The Olde Oaks ward has one pouch sealer, but we are able to get the one from the Spring ward when it is not in use.  We can use both sealers at our pouch party and get our work done quicker. 

Thanks,  Lucy Stern

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